"Creativity is intelligence having fun!"
Albert Einstein
Our first ever workshop for 90 St Mary's Year 1 children, took place in 2016 with a series of workshops involving mice, space and a very important letter to the headteacher. Most of our children from that first club have continued with White Rabbit and have now graduated up to Twickenham Youth Theatre, recently performing their own brand new play at The Rose Theatre. It has been the most joyous of journeys and every year we are astounded by each new group as they explore, have fun and most importantly, learn to support and respect each other & themselves.
Year 1
3pm - 4:05pm
Infant Site Hall - Thursdays
With a sense of curiosity, adventure and fun, our Year 1 club embark upon a journey together, exploring imaginations and stories through a wide range of drama techniques. Club games encourage empathy, respect & an understanding of what it is to be part of a supportive team, whilst improvised adventures and interactive storytelling allow children to explore big feelings and new situations in a safe and playful environment. Our St Mary's Y1 club are influenced by popular children's books and plays, combined with the methods of leading organisations in children's theatre education; Shakespeare's Globe, RSC, Unicorn and Polka theatres to name a few. This, combined with passionate drama leaders and a keen sense of fun, help us to explore and experiment with the magic of our imaginations and stories in a wonderfully creative way.
Year 2 + Year 3
7:50am - 8:45am
Middle Site Hall - Tuesdays
We pride ourselves on adapting and evolving work at a pace that the children are comfortable with and, from Year 2 onwards, Autumn becomes a season of experimentation with doors opening to a supportive, closed audience at the end of term. Spring is set aside for Year 2 + Year 3 to devise a brand new piece of theatre, with the support and guidance of experienced facilitators, and Summer sees us present this work in a fab Showcase at the Exchange Theatre. It's a colourful, dynamic, joyful way to end the Drama year!
Year 4 - Year 6
3:30pm - 4:30pm
Junior Site Hall - choose from Tuesday or Thursday
From Year 4, children are given greater insight into the techniques we use and are offered more freedom to devise, experiment with and develop new work that they personally connect with. Skills are honed and perfected, a supportive ensemble is formed and by Summer the group are ready to present their own stories at the Exchange Theatre.
For all clubs, children come straight to us in the hall after school and are given time to chat, enjoy a snack together and play before devising and improv begins. A lovely way to end the school day with friends!